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Crafting Time Business Team


SKU: 0723Business Category: Tags: , , , ,


     Welcome to Crafting Time Cathleen VIP Group


Crafting Time Cathleen VIP Group, is a Monthly Group.  We meet  2 times per month for 1 hour each.  This Group shares knowledgeable information to help those, looking to extend there Crafting Business.  Sharing your knowledge and input is very valuable to everyone. Now, take advantage of this great opportunity.    The time is now, to get to make this business work.  Learn the in’s and out’s, terminology and costs of a online business.

We are so glad you are taking this opportunity now, to advance your business.  Now this will help you check your Facebook page and get it in order and learn how or what is needed to grow. This is real time developing together as a team.  Support is what you get here.


Monthly fee $20.00 plus tax

  1. Each session will be in my private group on facebook,
  2. This group will be about the Crafting Online Business on Facebook
  3. You will have opportunity to ask questions to this group.
  4. Each session will  focus on the Crafting Business.
  5. You will be meeting new friends
  6. You will receive advice from the members to develop your successful business.
  7. You will receive 10% discounts on all EVENTS Crafting Time will have in this year.  Though you will have to pay your taxes for the event.

Qualifying for this group:

Must have a business Facebook Page, or in process of developing your page by the end of your 1st month.

Must be kind, caring, respectful, to each member.  No bulling allowed or harassment of any kind.

Be open to changes that Facebook has.

No  outside sharing will be allowed. Crafting Time Cathleen VIP Group is a private group.  Anyone not following these rules will lose their privilege’s to be in our group.

Change of mind terms:

  1. No refunds for day of days missed.
  2. Canceling your membership will end on the last day of that month.  All EVENTS  there after will become Full Price .





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